Would Mental Skills Training be Helpful to You?



If you check three or more of the items below, consider participating in Mental Skills Training!


  •       You generally perform well but know you can perform at an even higher level.
  •       You do not have well-defined goals or goal specificity.  You lack direction.
  •       You perform better in practice than during competition.
  •       You maintain many self-doubts about your ability before or during games.
  •       You worry about letting others down by not performing up to others expectations.
  •       You are self-conscious and worried about how others may perceive you.
  •       You suffer from anxiety, worry, or excess tension when in competition.
  •       Pre-game jitters do not go away after the first few minutes into the competition.
  •       You are motivated by fear of failure and it affects your performance in competition.
  •       You attach your self-worth to how well you perform in sports.
  •       You lose focus or have mental lapses during critical times of the game.
  •       Your routines are not well defined and lack mental focus.
  •       You go through the motions physically without mental focus or intensity.
  •       You are distracted by things that go on around you in your environment.
  •       You have doubts or negative thoughts before, during, or after competition.
  •       Post-injury you cannot perform the way you did pre-injury even when 100% physically recovered.
  •       When performing well you sometimes sabotage your performance with a comfort zone (protect your lead) or beliefs that limit your ability to press forward.
  •       You become easily frustrated because of high demands you place on yourself.
  •       You cannot perform with freedom or trust in times of adversity or pressure.
  •       You work on your mechanics or technique even when competing.
  •       You do not concentrate in the here and now and focus more on events from the past.
  •       You think too much about consequences of your performance, good or bad.
  •       You overanalyze mistakes (technique) and thus think too much about technique.
  •       You suffer from low self-confidence or self-esteem.
  •       You limit your performance with negative self-labels such as “I am a choker”.
  •       You have trouble forgetting or letting go of bad past performances.
  •       Your anger or frustration gets in the way of peak performance.
  •       You are frequently disappointed with your performance and wish it was better.
  •       You have a burning desire to be the best at your sport.